- Programa USP60+ | EACH – 1º semestre de 2025
- Professora da EACH se destaca na organização do maior evento sobre Governo e Dados Abertos das Américas
- Visita de professores da UVigo retoma e amplia agenda de trabalho do convênio internacional com a EACH
- EACH recebe grupo de estudantes peruanos da Universidad Nacional de Frontera
- 1ª edição do Prêmio Quati de Dissertação e Tese Destaque EACH/USP
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The Post graduation program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (PPG-BBM) provides an interesting background in the life sciences focused on Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology. The program aims at training of highly qualified human resources with ability in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, as well as in Biotechnology, according to ethical guidelines and good scientific practices. The supervisors/researchers are involved inprojects comprising distinct areas such as Biotechnology, neurodegenerative and chronic diseases, cancer biology, aging, animal genetics, and cell Physiology.
The course has provided a solid conceptual basis in techniques and methodologies for BBM, opening possibilities for the graduate student of Master or Doctorate degree perform academic and research activities in governmental non- governmental, national or international institutions.