- Programa USP60+ | EACH – 1º semestre de 2025
- Professora da EACH se destaca na organização do maior evento sobre Governo e Dados Abertos das Américas
- Visita de professores da UVigo retoma e amplia agenda de trabalho do convênio internacional com a EACH
- EACH recebe grupo de estudantes peruanos da Universidad Nacional de Frontera
- 1ª edição do Prêmio Quati de Dissertação e Tese Destaque EACH/USP
Leisure and Tourism
Duration: from 8 to 12 semesters
Places per year: 60 (Afternoon Program) | 60 (Evening Program)
Course Description: Tourism and Leisure professionals will be able work in several fields, such as tourism destination management, events organization, entertainment, cultural institutions, gastronomy, hospitality, historical and cultural heritage management, sustainable development, and planning of uses of leisure spaces and equipment. Due to Brazil’s recent participation in events of great international prominence, the market has expanded in the country over the last years, providing opportunities in travel agencies and tour operators, hospitality, airlines, cultural and sports centers, public and private parks, institutions of the third sector/NGOs, as well as in public administration.