
RC21 Leeds : September 11-13, 2017

Rethinking Urban Global Justice: An international academic conference for critical urban studies

Abstracts devem ser enviados até 10 de março para os organizadores

1) Disputes in the Urban Territory, Groups of Interests, Distributive Conflict and Injustice in Cities Budgeting

Fierce disputes involving public funds have taken place in urban territory, where the participation of different public (governmental and non-governmental) and private (global and local) actors, who are intertwined in complex networks, and the overlapping of new and old demands, rights and interests, give rise to new and intense challenges to the fund allocative task disposed in the political arena of public budgeting. The result of this dispute has been a huge distributive conflict and the increase of allocative, tax, and territorial injustice in urban areas.

 The resolution of said distributive conflict implies a model of a multilevel governance (global, national, regional, and local), in which city governance has an importance and has imbricated formal and informal rules, enabling different levels of decision, depending on the subsystem and on the public policy fase being assessed.

 In this scenario, the emergence of urban services and technological improvements brings, at the same time, solutions and challenges for public budgeting governance. In Barcelona, for instance, the increase of estates listed in Airbnb, which follows a global trend, modifies the characteristics of neighborhoods leading to gentrification and conflicts, with budgeting consequences, due to the impact in turistic service revenues collected by the city hall.

 The proposal of this session is discussing the distributive conflict about urban resources and their allocative (in)justice. We invite contributions discussing the following topics:


  •     Institutional and actors capacities, modes of action, and repertoires for participation and dispute in the political budgetary arena;
  •     Formal and informal arrangements to muddle through the conflict and implement public policies in the cities;
  •     Allocative criteria used to define funds, and its consequences over different policies and territories;
  •     Instruments of public policy: how regulations, legislation, statistics, and technological applications help to define the allocative dispute over funds or instead increase conflict

Further information:

Ursula Dias Peres, Universidade de São Paulo

Renata Bichir, Universidade de São Paulo